

Looking for a way to Raise Funds for your Ministry, Organization, Group, Etc.??

Look no further than our No-Cost Fund-Raising option here at Shield of Faith Gifts LLC.

Choose from over 175 awesome anointed shirts for your fund raiser. We have all your Fund-Rising needs and at no cost to your organization so that you can comfortable Raise funds for your group with no worry. So, if you are looking to fund raise, Shield of Faith Gifts is the best options to help you reach your fund rising goals.

Included in your Fund-Raising Package

  • 5-10 Full Color Brochures with 30 Shirts displayed on the brochures
  • Access to Website for Choose of Remaining Shirt for your customers to choose from.
Fund Raisers Receive $5 from the Sale of every Short Sleeve Shirt
Fund Raisers Receive $10 from the Sale of every Long Sleeve Shirt
We look forward to helping you achieve your Fund Rising Goals.

Contact us to get started today!!


Call 856-373-5130

Ways to Fund Raise

Option #1
Candy Sale Method

Give each individual One brochure and several order forms to take orders. Instruct them to always keep their Brochure but to allow customers fill out their order on the order form and give the seller the payment. If the customer hasn’t made up their mind don’t have the payment or doesn’t like what they see, instruct the customer to visit our website where they will have more options to choose from. The rest of the content that's between the two parentheses comes down any questions or concerns please let me know but send me an offer for this job thanks so much.

Option #2
Table Sale Option

If your group, organization, or ministry have meetings or services where a lot of members are gather you can use the Table Sale Option. Have a Table set up where the Customer can visit the table and complete the entire process from choosing their shirt filling out their order form and making a payment. Afterwards you can give the customer instruction on when and were to pick up their order later.


Options #3

T-Shirt Day Fund Raisers

This is by far one of our best options to do a fundraiser if you have a church or minister who has meeting times weekly. This is how it work. You announce to the congregation we are having t-shirts day with 1 to 2 months of the announcement where everyone will wear a Christian t-shirt. You inform the congregation you will have t-shirts available for them to purchase and it a fundraiser as well to help raise fund for the area of your choice. You take the orders and send the balance owned to us and we will send you back the shirt to be giving out.


Options #3